cohabitation and modifying spousal support

Post-Divorce Cohabitation And Its Effect on Spousal Support

Goldberg JonesDivorce & Finances, Spousal Support/Alimony 1 Comment

Spousal support, which many people call alimony, is one of the topics people ask us about most often. It’s tricky and many factors go into determining the amount, length of payments, and more. The impact of cohabitation on spousal support comes up a lot and people wonder how, or if it affects spousal support.

If your ex moves in with a new partner, do you still have to pay spousal support?

As with most court orders, spousal support is usually difficult to change once in place.

With things like child support, you may be able to modify if you demonstrate a significant change in your financial circumstances. However that, too, can be a tough path.

When it comes to spousal support, the same holds true.

An ex cohabitating with someone else may fall into this category and prove enough to get a modification. That said, the courts are reluctant and that may not be enough. It’s also often a rough row to hoe.

What Is Spousal Support?

Spousal support payments are designed to smooth the transition from married life to divorced life. It most often shows up in situations with a large earning gap between spouses.

Essentially, this occurs when one spouse needs financial help to get back on their feet after the end of a marriage. In certain situations, spousal support is temporary, though in others it continues indefinitely.

Related Reading: An In-Depth Look At Spousal Support In California

What Is Cohabitation?

In California law, there is no strict definition of “cohabitation,” and over the years, it’s been broadly interpreted. For the most part, it remains up to the individual court to decide.

In general, it’s when a non-married couple in an intimate relationship lives together and use that address as their primary residence.

Staying over a couple of nights a week doesn’t mean they share a home. It has to be the actual sharing of a home.

Related Reading: Date of Separation: How Changes to California Law Will Change Divorce

How Cohabitation Impacts Spousal Support

If your divorce settlement requires you to pay spousal support, making payments while knowing your ex is living with someone else may be a bitter pill to swallow. You also may be able to do something about it. As usual, this depends a great deal on the circumstances.

California Family Code 4323(a)(1) states:

“Except as otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, there is a rebuttable presumption, affecting the burden of proof, of decreased need for spousal support if the supported party is cohabiting with a nonmarital partner. Upon a determination that circumstances have changed, the court may modify or terminate the spousal support.”

Basically, that’s legal-speak for if your ex is now in a romantic relationship, and they live together, this cohabitation may be enough for the courts to take a look at your case.

This may represent a significant change in financial circumstances. And that may be enough to modify your spousal support payments.

Notice the repeated emphasis on the word may. As already mentioned, the courts are reluctant to go back and change a previous ruling.

Often, even when you demonstrate such a substantial change, the court still leaves the order in place. We don’t want to sound repetitive, but it’s important to understand this point. Even if your case has merit, that’s not always enough.

Related Reading: Moore Marsden, Shared Homes, and Divorce

What Does This Mean For You?

The legal language is vague, which is readily apparent. Though the situation may look like a financial boon from your perspective, the courts may not view it in the same light.

Overall, they have substantial leeway to interpret and enforce the law. Much of this falls in a grey area open to individual readings.

It’s even more difficult because the burden of proof falls on you, the person making the claim.

Again, the courts don’t like to rock the boat and alter what’s already set. This is a big part of why spousal support modifications are a reletively rare occurrence. And why they’re so difficult to pull off.

Even if you show improvement in your ex’s finances, the court often orders you to continue payments anyway. It’s frustrating to be sure. Many feel like they face an uphill battle, and many times in these situations, they’re right.

The best way to pay a fair amount in spousal support is to get it right the first time. Take the steps to ensure the amount is reasonable, one you can live with.

As in most cases, if you hope to show how cohabitation impacts spousal support, it’s in your best interests to talk to a family law attorney. If you have questions, someone with experience can help you determine if you have a legitimate chance and guide you through the process if you move forward.

Related Reading: How Digital Snooping Plays Into Divorce

Comments 1

  1. Great read! Your detailed explanation of how post-divorce cohabitation affects spousal support is incredibly enlightening. Thank you for breaking down a complex topic so clearly and thoughtfully

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