tips to avoid conflict during a divorce

How To Minimize Conflict In Divorce

Goldberg JonesDivorce Leave a Comment

Few life events are as notorious for causing conflict as divorce. Not every single split devolves into an epic screaming match, but most aren’t entirely calm and full of warm feelings.

Can You Avoid Conflict in a Divorce?

Emotions run high and tempers flare, but that’s no reason to lose control.

Below are some tips to help avoid conflict during and after your divorce. It may be impossible to completely sidestep clashes, but doing your best to minimize these fights is a worthy goal.

Minimize Contact

It’s hard for two people to fight if there’s no contact between them.

However, this is often easier said than done. Your divorce likely involves negotiation, which requires some interaction. But there are steps to take to limit how much you and your ex see each other.

You can communicate via an intermediary, perhaps through your respective attorneys or a parenting app. During mediation, you and your spouse can even be in different rooms with the mediator acting as a go-between.

Related Reading: 7 Things to Do Before Divorce

Stay Off Social Media

Social media wasn’t an issue even a few years ago, but now it’s a regular part of our daily lives.

With many people sharing their life details on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms (anyone on Hive yet), some make the mistake of posting intimate divorce details.

You don’t have to stay off of social media completely, but don’t air your dirty laundry in a public forum either. It can be more of a headache than it’s worth.

Nothing stays quiet for long on social media.

If you have mutual friends or your ex’s family members in your network, the word may get around. Think about what you post and the conflict it may cause.

Simply put, it’s best you don’t mention your spouse or the divorce at all. If you must provide constant updates, stick to cute kitten memes and sports rants.

Related Reading: How Social Media Impacts Divorce

Focus On Yourself

You can’t control what your spouse does, but you can control yourself.

Try to focus on what you can change, not what you can’t. Instead of dwelling on the past, on any old wounds and preexisting quarrels, look toward the future.

Focusing on yourself will only help you move forward with your life.

Plan what you’re going to do after you finalize the divorce. Consider the new opportunities available to you now. This may also be the perfect time to start taking care of yourself emotionally.

Related Reading: Rebuilding Finances After Divorce

Don’t React

And certainly don’t overreact.

In many cases, your soon-to-be ex may try to pick a fight or get a rise out of you. Don’t stoop to that level.

You may want to scream and yell and throw things. After all, who knows how to get under your skin and push all of your buttons better than your ex? But it’s not going to help anything.

If you have kids, consider their feelings. When certain topics set off fights, avoid them if at all possible.

Things might get so bad you have to have your attorney handle the communication. But sometimes that’s for the best.

Related Reading: Things You Should Never Do During Divorce

Custody Exchanges

When kids are involved, your ex remains a part of your life. That’s just a fact; they’re going to be around. Custody exchanges are prime-time for conflict, but there are ways to smooth over any rough patches.

Make sure to pack everything the kids need beforehand and have them ready to go. This limits the amount of face time between parents. You can use school, daycare, or a babysitter to make the swaps and rarely have to see one another.

Make the custody exchange in a public place, or in front of a third party. This often decreases the likelihood of conflict significantly.

Related Reading: Building a Custody Case Against an Abusive Spouse

Live By The Divorce Agreement

Whether you and your ex come to the divorce agreement on your own, through mediation, or a judge hands it down, abide by the specifics of that decree.

If you agreed to pay child or spousal support, pay it. The same goes if you were ordered to cover certain shared debts. Whatever the terms, stick to them.

It simplifies your life and cuts down on friction if you accept this. Let go of the past and move on with your life.

Related Reading: What Is In A Divorce Decree?

Find Common Ground

Few things can smooth over conflict like common ground and shared interests. If you have children, this offers the perfect platform. Focus on them and put their well-being and security ahead of your own squabbles.

A contentious split can be exhausting, demanding, and emotionally draining. For everyone. Most likely the situation won’t improve overnight.

Be consistent and realistic about what you need and where you want to go. Refuse to engage. Take steps to skirt discord when you can. Do this and hopefully, you can circumvent trouble before it starts.

Related Reading: Concerns When Divorcing a Narcissist

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