“My boyfriend and I have been together for 19 years and we are both still married to our spouses. We want to divorce but his ex wants alimony. Can she?”
What If You Made A Mistake On Your Divorce Decree?
CALLER: “My divorce was finalized in 2010 and in the division of assets it was actually pretty amicable. However, there was not language in the decree for her to refinance at all or within a time period. I did file a quick claim deed, but I’m still on the mortgage.”
Is January Divorce Month?
Over recent years, January has become known by many as “divorce month,” but just how accurate is that unflattering title?
How Is A Military Pension Divided During Divorce?
Military service complicates many relationships. It also complicates the divorce process. One area that often gets twisted is military pensions.
Can Your Spouse Prevent A Divorce? No-Fault Divorce
It’s the stuff of melodramatic TV movies, being trapped in a loveless marriage. But can your spouse actually prevent you from getting a divorce?
What is a Gray Divorce?
Couples ending marriages later in life face a number of unique challenges and concerns. Here’s what you need to know about gray divorce.
Date of Separation in California
The date of separation has a huge impact on divorce, but a significant change to California law is about to alter the landscape.
Preparing Your Custody Case
Child custody cases have a massive impact on your life and the lives of your children, so how you prepare is a matter of great importance.
Moore Marsden, Shared Homes, And Divorce
A house is the biggest purchase most of us make. What happens if we own a home, marry, then divorce? That’s where Moore Marsden comes in.
Does Adultery Impact No-Fault Divorce?
Adultery so often strikes a fatal blow to a marriage, but how big a role does it actually play when it comes time to file for divorce?
Uncontested Divorce Questions Answered
Not every divorce devolves into a heated courtroom battle. When spouses see eye-to-eye, uncontested divorce is often a viable option.
Can You File For Bankruptcy During Divorce?
Bankruptcy impacts every facet of your life. Your marriage feels the brunt, and so does the process of ending it. Does bankruptcy change divorce?
Are Divorce Records Public?
The paparazzi probably doesn’t hound you and follow your every move, but that doesn’t mean privacy during divorce is important to you.
7 Steps To Divorce In California [Infographic]
Step 1: File petition. 2: Serve spouse. 3: Respond to summons. 4: Discovery. 5: Temporary orders. 6: Settlement /negotiation. 7: Sign and file final papers.
What Is Legal Separation in California?
A legal separation is a formal and legally binding agreement that divides debt, assets, and property between spouses; it will also address the issues of support and custody. Creating a separation agreement is similar to getting divorced, with the main difference being after a legal separation is finalized, you are still married.
Common Child Support Questions And Answers
Divorce doesn’t mean we stop caring for our kids. It certainly doesn’t mean we stop providing for their care. This most often takes the form of child support.
Finding a Child Custody Lawyer
Finding the best child custody lawyer for your case is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. Here’s how to go about it.
Breaking Down The Child Support Formula
California’s child support formula is calculated with an actual mathematical equation. It gets complicated, so let us break down all the pieces.
Divorce, Child Custody, And Military Service
Divorce, child custody, and child support battles can boil over into heated, contentious affairs, but military service often complicates matters further.
What To Expect From Divorce Hearings
While the prospect of divorce hearings may be intimidating, it definitely helps to go in with an idea of what to expect out of court.
Can You Change A Child Support Order in California?
It’s not set in stone, but it’s not far off. Here’s what you need to know about how to modify child support in California.
How to Prepare for an In-Person Consultation With a Divorce Attorney
Meeting with a divorce lawyer for the first time can be intimidating and overwhelming, but here are some ways to prepare for your initial consultation.
Do You Have To Hire A Divorce Lawyer?
Do I need to hire a lawyer? That’s a question no one really ever wants to ask themselves. But how you answer is hugely important.
California Divorce: Division of Assets
There are two ways that assets and debts are divided in the US. Forty-one states use equitable distribution and the rest use community property. California practices community property.
Mediation Vs. Arbitration
Divorce doesn’t necessarily need to take place in court, there are other options, and two popular choices are mediation and arbitration.
What Is In A Divorce Decree?
A “divorce decree” simply refers to the court’s final ruling and judgment order that makes the termination of a marriage official.
Different Types Of Divorce In California
It’s important to know the various types of divorce and what each means. There are differences and similarities. Some apply to multiple circumstances, while others have specific criteria and only fit certain cases. Being aware of the types of divorce can help streamline the process and get you on the road to your new life faster and easier.
Marijuana and Child Custody: Can I Still Smoke Weed?
Recreational marijuana has been legal in California for a year and a half, how does this newfound status impact child custody disputes?
Things You Should Never Do During Divorce
People damage their own cases in countless ways. To help minimize that, here are eight things you should never do during divorce.
Concerns When You Divorce A Narcissist
Being in a relationship with a person with an NPD is difficult. And if want to divorce a narcissist, you may be in for a turbulent ride.
What Is A De Facto Parent?
Not everyone who cares for a child is a biological parent. In some cases, the courts name a de facto parent. Here’s what that means.That’s not always an option, however. A biological parent usually has the inside track, but in situations where the child’s well-being is in question, a de facto parent may assume custody.
Types Of Child Custody In California
There are multiple types of child custody, and knowing details about each can help direct the strategy for a child custody case.
What Jobs Have The Highest Divorce Rate?
There’s rarely one single cause that ends a marriage, but jobs are often a biggie. But what jobs have the highest divorce rate?
Social Media And Divorce
Social media has become such a large part of our lives that it makes sense it’s often a large part of our divorces as well. It’s common for people to use it to flirt online or even to facilitate affairs. Divorce proceedings increasingly include Facebook and other social media-related conflicts.
How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments
In the last few weeks there have already been significant changes that affect the Divorce and Family Law process. With temporary court closures, it means our efforts now focus on alternative methods of dispute resolution such as Mediation, or binding Arbitration.
Pro Se: A Closer Look At California DIY Divorce
Do-it-Yourself divorce has never been more accessible than it is now. But just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should.
California Restraining Orders
What is a restraining order? A restraining order is a legal restriction that prevents or requires a party to refrain from performing certain actions.
Does California Have Pet Custody Laws?
Pet custody is an evolving legal area. A few states have legislation to distinguish pets from other assets and to protect their rights.
Defend Yourself Against False Allegations in Divorce
Mudslinging is common in ending a marriage, but unfounded abuse allegations all too often have a negative impact on divorce cases.
Are Fathers More Important Than Mothers?
It’s long been assumed mothers have an advantage in child custody cases, but is one parent more important to childhood development than the other?
Can I Lose Custody For Not Vaccinating My Child?
Vaccines are a hot topic right now, and everyone has an opinion. The fallout from this conflict is everywhere, even in child custody disputes.
Digital Snooping And Divorce
Paranoia and spying aren’t new in marriages, but tools have changed. Digital snooping has an increasing impact on divorce and the aftermath.
Alcohol Abuse And Divorce Rates
Alcohol abuse is often cited as a cause of divorce, but a recent study draws a direct link to divorce and an elevated risk.
The Trump Effect: Can Politics Cause Divorce?
The old maxim goes: don’t talk about religion or politics. But what if it can’t be avoided? How often does politics cause divorce?
Social Security And Divorce
Divorce impacts almost every facet of your life, and that includes Social Security. Here’s what you need to know about the changes you face.
Bitcoin And Divorce
If you pay attention to the news, you’ve probably noticed bitcoin. It’s also become a point of contention during divorce. Here’s what you need to know.
Can Science Predict Divorce?
Is it possible for science to predict divorce? Probably not, but certain factors have been shown to indicate some marriages are less likely to succeed.
Divorce And Graduation
As the school year wraps up, graduation is on many minds. Though when parents divorce, graduation can be a minefield. Here’s how to make it through.
What Is Parental Alienation?
What’s parental alienation and how does it impact high-conflict divorce? Here’s what you need to know when it comes to these situations.
Can You Terminate Your Parental Rights?
The decision to terminate parental rights isn’t an easy one, but in some situations it may be the right move for everyone involved.
Bizarre Divorce Facts
The world is full of interesting, useful, and downright bizarre divorce facts. For example, did you know you can divorce via text message in Malaysia?