What happens if your wife shows up pregnant with someone else’s child during your divorce? Are you on the hook for child support?
“My Ex Promised To Pay For College, But Won’t Now.”
CALLER: “My ex agreed to pay my daughter basically the same sum of money he was paying for child support. And that was what we agreed to. Unfortunately, we didn’t file any legal documents to that effect. What can I do?”
Common Child Support Questions And Answers
Divorce doesn’t mean we stop caring for our kids. It certainly doesn’t mean we stop providing for their care. This most often takes the form of child support.
“Can My Ex Come After My New Spouse’s Income?”
“I pay child support and recently got remarried. Can my ex come after me for more child support, including my new spouse’s income?”
Breaking Down The Child Support Formula
California’s child support formula is calculated with an actual mathematical equation. It gets complicated, so let us break down all the pieces.
Can You Change A Child Support Order in California?
It’s not set in stone, but it’s not far off. Here’s what you need to know about how to modify child support in California.
My Ex Isn’t Making Child Support Payments
California law provides guidelines for courts to use in determining and setting child support payment amounts.
Marijuana and Child Custody: Can I Still Smoke Weed?
Recreational marijuana has been legal in California for a year and a half, how does this newfound status impact child custody disputes?
RADIO: Statute Of Limitations on College Education
CALLER: “Per the decree, my ex and I share college expenses for our children. So my question is, considering one of them is about to turn 22 and hasn’t even thought about college, how long does my obligation last?”
RADIO: Child Support After 18 & Post-Secondary Education
CALLER: “My son is 18. He was held back in school by his mother. We’re not married. I’ve been paying child support for 18 years. He lives on the property, but not in the main house because he couldn’t tolerate his mother. Am I still on the hook for child support and secondary education?”
Radio: Back Child Support If The Child Isn’t Yours?
I’m paying back-child support on a child that isn’t biologically mine. How am I still on the hook for this money?
RADIO: I Pay Support But She Denies Visitation. Is That Legal?
CALLER: “So I’ve had some monogamous relationships and I have some custody issues with where I’m paying child support and the mothers are refusing to let me have contact or visitation with the children. I was wondering if that’s legal?”
RADIO: This Right Here Is Why You Need A Parenting Plan
CALLER: “I recently broke up with my girlfriend of three years. We had a kid together, and I’ve been paying her child support and keeping track with money orders. So basically my question is, where do I stand now for support for the child legally? I’m not getting visitation with the child because she’s upset with me.”
RADIO: Do I Still Have To Pay Child Support If My Kid Leaves Home?
CALLER: “I have a 17-year-old stepdaughter who went into a three-year Job Corps program, yet we’re still being told we have to pay child support. Is that true?”
RADIO: My Ex Refuses To Pay Her Share
She’s supposed to pay her share for the kids, but she doesn’t contribute anything. What can I do to make her pay her legally obligated share?
RADIO: I Lost My Job, Can I Get Child Support Payments Decreased?
Child support payments are important, but expensive. What happens if you lose your job and your ability to pay? Can you get them decreased?
RADIO: How Long Do I Have To Pay Past Due Child Support?
How long do I have to pay child support is a question we get all the time. The answer often depends on the specifics of a particular case.