No one likes to sit in traffic, but can a long commute actually contribute to divorce? One new study looks to answer this question.
Fascinating Remarriage Statistics
Roughly half of marriages end in divorce, and because of that, an increasing number of marriages have become remarriages.
Unexpected Smoking Hazard: Divorce [Infographic]
We all know smoking cigarettes comes with certain health risks, but does it also carry risks to your marriage? The answer might surprise you.
Concerns When You Divorce A Narcissist
Being in a relationship with a person with an NPD is difficult. And if want to divorce a narcissist, you may be in for a turbulent ride.
How the Outlook On Marriage and Divorce Have Changed
Marriage may be an institution, but it’s not immune to change. What marriage is, what it means, how important it is; all of this and more have transformed dramatically over time. Some shifts are massive and easily recognizable. Others are subtle, changing across many years, so gradual you hardly notice …
How Video Games Impact Marriage and Divorce
For many, video games offer a way to kill time and decompress from the pressures of the day. But what happens to a marriage when escape becomes addiction?
Types of Divorce Discovery Tools
In contested divorces, discovery may prove incredibly valuable. Discovery compels each side to reveal what evidence and info they have.
How Much Does a Divorce Cost In California?
The average cost of a divorce in California is $17,500. All cases will incur an initial filing fee. In San Diego, this costs $435 and additional motions bring additional fees. This ballpark range is strictly an estimate; significant assets, children, and how contested the divorce is will all add to the expense. In complex divorces that are highly contentious or go to trial, it is possible for the cost of divorce to exceed $100,000. The cost of a complex divorce will be impacted by the necessity of experts.
What Is A De Facto Parent?
Not everyone who cares for a child is a biological parent. In some cases, the courts name a de facto parent. Here’s what that means.That’s not always an option, however. A biological parent usually has the inside track, but in situations where the child’s well-being is in question, a de facto parent may assume custody.
Can You Buy A House During Divorce Process?
You may need a new place to live after ending your marriage, but it may not be the right time to buy a house during a divorce.
Types Of Child Custody In California
There are multiple types of child custody, and knowing details about each can help direct the strategy for a child custody case.
What Jobs Have The Highest Divorce Rate?
There’s rarely one single cause that ends a marriage, but jobs are often a biggie. But what jobs have the highest divorce rate?
Social Media And Divorce
Social media has become such a large part of our lives that it makes sense it’s often a large part of our divorces as well. It’s common for people to use it to flirt online or even to facilitate affairs. Divorce proceedings increasingly include Facebook and other social media-related conflicts.
How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments
In the last few weeks there have already been significant changes that affect the Divorce and Family Law process. With temporary court closures, it means our efforts now focus on alternative methods of dispute resolution such as Mediation, or binding Arbitration.
Pro Se: A Closer Look At California DIY Divorce
Do-it-Yourself divorce has never been more accessible than it is now. But just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should.
California Restraining Orders
What is a restraining order? A restraining order is a legal restriction that prevents or requires a party to refrain from performing certain actions.
What is a Guardian ad Litem and the Minor’s Counsel?
A Guardian ad Litem is an adult appointed by the court to represent the best interest of an individual (usually children) for a specific period of time.
Does California Have Pet Custody Laws?
Pet custody is an evolving legal area. A few states have legislation to distinguish pets from other assets and to protect their rights.
Child Custody: What is Birdnesting?
How does birdnesting work? Instead of the children bouncing back and forth between mom/dad, they stay put and the parents trade places.
Defend Yourself Against False Allegations in Divorce
Mudslinging is common in ending a marriage, but unfounded abuse allegations all too often have a negative impact on divorce cases.
Are Fathers More Important Than Mothers?
It’s long been assumed mothers have an advantage in child custody cases, but is one parent more important to childhood development than the other?
How Siblings Can Bond Through Divorce
Watching parents split up is never easy, but for many siblings in divorce, this experience serves to push them closer than ever.
Can I Lose Custody For Not Vaccinating My Child?
Vaccines are a hot topic right now, and everyone has an opinion. The fallout from this conflict is everywhere, even in child custody disputes.
Digital Snooping And Divorce
Paranoia and spying aren’t new in marriages, but tools have changed. Digital snooping has an increasing impact on divorce and the aftermath.
The Military Divorce Rate
Serving in the military is a huge sacrifice and takes a toll on many families. But even with all the struggles, the military divorce rate is declining.
Alcohol Abuse And Divorce Rates
Alcohol abuse is often cited as a cause of divorce, but a recent study draws a direct link to divorce and an elevated risk.
Joseph Waters Becomes a Certified Family Law Specialist
We’re proud to announce that Joseph P. Waters has been named a Certified Family Law Specialist in the state of California.
The Trump Effect: Can Politics Cause Divorce?
The old maxim goes: don’t talk about religion or politics. But what if it can’t be avoided? How often does politics cause divorce?
10 Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day During Quarantine
COVID-19 quarantine has changed a lot, including celebrations. But just because it looks different this year, doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Father’s Day
Cinematic Lessons In Fatherhood: Mrs. Doubtfire
While we don’t endorse dressing up as a fake nanny to spend time with your kids after divorce, Mrs. Doubtfire can teach us a few things about being a dad.
Can I Get A Divorce Online?
Divorce Online In California? While some states do allow you to file for divorce online, the short answer, at least as far as California goes, is no.
Zoom Breakups Rise During Quarantine
Everyone is on Zoom right now. It’s a useful tool for staying connected right now, but there’s also been a rise in Zoom-based breakups during quarantine.
RADIO: Building a Custody Case Against an Abusive Spouse
CALLER: “My wife is bipolar, I think. She’s physically, mentally, and verbally abusive to me all the time in front of my kids, and I’ve had it. What do I have to do to build a case when I do file for divorce that works in my favor? When the police come, it’s always this, ‘Little old me, I didn’t do anything,’ and they buy it.”
10 Fun Things To Do With The Kids In Quarantine
With the COVID-19 quarantine in full force, kids and parents are now being asked to stay home. If you’re like us you may be asking yourself what am I supposed to do all day? Being at home doesn’t have to be boring. There’s so much fun that can be had …
Social Security And Divorce
Divorce impacts almost every facet of your life, and that includes Social Security. Here’s what you need to know about the changes you face.
RADIO: Statute Of Limitations on College Education
CALLER: “Per the decree, my ex and I share college expenses for our children. So my question is, considering one of them is about to turn 22 and hasn’t even thought about college, how long does my obligation last?”
Bitcoin And Divorce
If you pay attention to the news, you’ve probably noticed bitcoin. It’s also become a point of contention during divorce. Here’s what you need to know.
RADIO: The Parenting Plan Is A Custody Rulebook
CALLER: “I have a daughter who’s five now and her mother and I were never married. I keep hearing people talk about parenting plans, so how do I get one? So far she and I have just kind of winged it. It’s been fine, but recently she’s becoming more and more flaky.”
Sesame Street Talks About Divorce
The conversation around divorce can be challenging because younger children don’t have the emotional vocabulary to express their feelings.
Dealing With Divorce and Depression
Depression is a serious issue for many following divorce, but how you cope and move forward has a major impact on your present and your future.
4 Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Your Kids
Divorce impacts your kids in a big way and it’s vital to take steps to improve your relationship with your children during and after divorce.
6 Divorce Trends
Views on marriage and divorce reflect the surrounding society, which is in constant flux. With differing social mores come various divorce trends.
RADIO: Potential Spousal Support Reform: A Q & A
RADIO: The courts usually award spousal support where there’s a large discrepancy between incomes or earning potential. The idea is for payments to be temporary. For marriages shorter than ten years, spousal support usually lasts roughly half the length of the marriage. It’s when a marriage lasts longer than ten years that things often go sideways.
How Much Does Divorce Impact Children?
The effects of divorce on children is often the first consideration of parents considering divorce. Here we explore “how does divorce impact children?”
RADIO: Are Pets Considered Assets In Divorce?
TEXT-IN QUESTION: “Married three years. They have a dog that they both love and basically it’s their child, or they think it’s their child, and they’re wondering how that’s treated in divorce. Is it treated like an asset or more like custody of children would be?”
10 Hilarious Dad Tweets
You gotta love dads. Always ready to lend a hand or chip in with a classic dad joke that makes everyone around them groan.
Child Custody Disputes
“My sister left her husband and she does not want him to see the kids because he is involved with the law right now and he is unstable.”
Secrets of a Successful Second Marriage
All the issues, problems, and hiccups we had the first time, we know to avoid them the second time around, don’t we?
RADIO: Does Ex Have Access To Future Disability Money?
When it comes to divorce, dividing up assets forms a big piece of the puzzle. This includes, potentially, Social Security disability payments.
Divorce Capital Of California
Everyone knows the capital of California is Sacramento, but that’s not the only one. Now we know which city is the divorce capital of the Golden State.
RADIO: Child Support After 18 & Post-Secondary Education
CALLER: “My son is 18. He was held back in school by his mother. We’re not married. I’ve been paying child support for 18 years. He lives on the property, but not in the main house because he couldn’t tolerate his mother. Am I still on the hook for child support and secondary education?”
Tips To Fill Out An NCAA Tournament Bracket
Filling out an NCAA Tournament bracket and entering half a dozen pools is practically an American tradition. But filling out a bracket is also a daunting task. Some fans religiously pore over every word Joe Lunardi utters, track quadrant one wins, and keep tabs on conference tournament play. And after …
RADIO: How Are Pensions Divided During Divorce?
CALLER: “I was just wondering how a pension works? If one person has a pension, and the other doesn’t, do they get some of that or not until they start receiving it?”
Radio: Back Child Support If The Child Isn’t Yours?
I’m paying back-child support on a child that isn’t biologically mine. How am I still on the hook for this money?
RADIO: Can I Get Custody of My Grandchild if Her Parents Won’t Parent?
CALLER: “I’m the grandparent of a 14-year-old, and mom and dad are not really capable right now to take care of her, how do I file for third party custody?”
RADIO: She owes me $5,000 so I send her less in support. Will I get in trouble?
CALLER: “I got divorced in Oregon in 2017. Everything was fine, alimony was set on a sliding scale for ten years. But she owes me $5,000 in legal fees. I pay $100 per month less until the $5,000 is paid for. Will I get in trouble?”
RADIO: I’m Worried She’s Done This Before
CALLER: “I’m not married to my former girlfriend, but we mutually own a house together. And I purchased another [property] while we were together. She’s baited me into arguments, recorded them and got a protection order. She owns houses in other states, and I’m terrified she’s done this to people before. It was very contrived and instigated.”
RADIO: I Pay Support But She Denies Visitation. Is That Legal?
CALLER: “So I’ve had some monogamous relationships and I have some custody issues with where I’m paying child support and the mothers are refusing to let me have contact or visitation with the children. I was wondering if that’s legal?”
RADIO: How do Felony Convictions Impact Custody?
TEXT-IN QUESTION “Does being convicted of a felony automatically prevent you from getting custody or visitation of your child?”
RADIO: Divorce When You Can’t Find Your Spouse
Caller: “I have an estranged husband who’s an addict. He decided to go use instead. He’s living in a different county and I don’t know where he is. What’s the best way to go about filing for divorce? What do I need to do?”
RADIO: I was given an engagement ring, can they take it back?
CALLER: “So my fiancé and I were given a ring from a family friend. The ring is in her name from her husband and then he passed away, so she gave it to us as an engagement gift. She got into an argument with my soon-to-be mother-in-law and it just turned nasty. She requested we give the ring back. Do we have to give her the ring back or can we keep it?”
RADIO: I Work, She Doesn’t: Do I Have to Pay Her Legal Fees?
CALLER: So my wife is filing for divorce and we’ve got a couple kids and some properties. I work, she doesn’t. I haven’t engaged a lawyer yet, but her lawyer is telling her that I’m going to have to pay all the legal fees. I’m curious what your thoughts on that are. Am I going to have to pay both mine and her legal fees?
RADIO: Do I Still Have To Pay Child Support If My Kid Leaves Home?
CALLER: “I have a 17-year-old stepdaughter who went into a three-year Job Corps program, yet we’re still being told we have to pay child support. Is that true?”
RADIO: How Does Child Custody Work When There’s No Marriage Certificate?
Ending a marriage is tricky business. But how can you divorce if there was never any marriage certificate filed in the first place?
RADIO: My Ex Refuses To Pay Her Share
She’s supposed to pay her share for the kids, but she doesn’t contribute anything. What can I do to make her pay her legally obligated share?
RADIO: My Ex Was Ordered to Sell Our House But Hasn’t, What Can I Do?
EMAIL QUESTION: “My divorce decree states that my ex-wife is required to list and sell the home we owned together but she continues to live in the house and shows no signs of intent to sell or of moving. What can I do to force the issue, or what can I get the courts to do? Do I need to file something with the courts? What do I need to do to prove she’s not abiding by this judgment?”
RADIO: We Have No Kids & No Property: Do We Need A Divorce?
Founder parter Rick Jones answers the question, “I got a wife, no kids, no property, do I need to get a divorce or can we just live separately?”
RADIO: If I Don’t Have a Will Can My Ex Get Everything?
“I just heard that if I die tomorrow, my ex can sue my estate for everything in the name of supporting my child. Is this true?”
RADIO: Child Endangerment: What Can I Do?
The most vulnerable members of society, it’s tragic when parents don’t care for children. If you encounter a case of child endangerment, what can you do?
RADIO: I Lost My Job, Can I Get Child Support Payments Decreased?
Child support payments are important, but expensive. What happens if you lose your job and your ability to pay? Can you get them decreased?
RADIO: Do I Need a Parenting Plan If We Weren’t Married?
After parents split, a parenting plan lays out the custody arrangement. But what if the couple never actually married? Do you still need one?
RADIO: How Long Do I Have To Pay Past Due Child Support?
How long do I have to pay child support is a question we get all the time. The answer often depends on the specifics of a particular case.
RADIO: My Wife Gave Away Guardianship Without My Knowledge
Child custody cases are often heated and complex, but can your spouse give away guardianship of your child without your consent?
Custody From the Grandparent’s Perspective
What happens when two divorced parents refuse to abide by a parenting plan? Can grandparents step in and help right the ship?
RADIO: My Ex Wife Convinced The Court I Can’t Be Found.
Divorce gets complicated in the best of times even when spouses have open lines of communication. But what happens when one spouse goes MIA?
RADIO: When I Want a Divorce But She Refuses To Talk To Me
Divorce is difficult and complicated in the best of times. It requires back and forth communication. But what if your spouse refuses to talk to you?
Ten Great Sci-Fi And Fantasy Dads
With San Diego Comic-Con happening this week, we thought we’d take the opportunity to count down our ten favorite sci-fi and fantasy fathers!
Spying, Destruction of Property, and Restraining Orders: An Epic Divorce Saga
Your divorce may be crazy and contentious, but be glad you’re not stuck in the middle of this firestorm. It could be so, so much worse.
Dana Carvey on the Divorce Rate [Divorce Meme]
The over-50 set is the fastest growing divorce demographic, which means it’s ripe for skewering from one of our favorite comedians: Dana Carvey.
Goldberg Jones Bracket Challenge
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: March Madness! Join us for our NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge. The winner walks away with a fabulous prize!
Can Science Predict Divorce?
Is it possible for science to predict divorce? Probably not, but certain factors have been shown to indicate some marriages are less likely to succeed.
Back To School Already? 5 End-Of-Summer Family Adventures
Summer vacation is quickly drawing to a close, but don’t worry, there’s plenty of time for more family adventures before the kids go back to school.
Crowdfunding Divorce? Yes.
Websites like Funded Justice have options for divorce and family law matters. Others, like GoFundMe do permit you to use their services for that purpose.
Conflict: Communication After Divorce
For men recently divorced or in the process of divorcing, effective communication is essential for recovering from your divorce.
10 Great Movie Dads
One of our favorite ways to mark Father’s Day is to watch movies with the old man. Here are some great movie dads to watch with your father.
Summer Break and Divorce
Summer break is almost here, and that often creates all kinds of headaches and logistical problems for parents, and it’s even harder in cases of divorce.
Divorce And Graduation
As the school year wraps up, graduation is on many minds. Though when parents divorce, graduation can be a minefield. Here’s how to make it through.
What Is Parental Alienation?
What’s parental alienation and how does it impact high-conflict divorce? Here’s what you need to know when it comes to these situations.
Can You Terminate Your Parental Rights?
The decision to terminate parental rights isn’t an easy one, but in some situations it may be the right move for everyone involved.
Bizarre Divorce Facts
The world is full of interesting, useful, and downright bizarre divorce facts. For example, did you know you can divorce via text message in Malaysia?
Movies for Father’s Day
A holiday designed to celebrate dads and everything they do for us, Father’s Day is almost here. It’s an opportunity to remind our dads how grateful we are for everything they do, to commemorate parental bonds, and applaud their influence on our lives. You can celebrate fathers and fatherhood in …
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